Management of risks associated with dangerous goods transportation - review

Keywords: dangerous goods, monitoring, risk assessment, route planning, transportation


The transportation of dangerous goods belongs among the risky activities, mostly because it is not possible ahead precisely to identify the localities which are most susceptible to occurrence of an accident connected with dangerous substance leakage / release. The issue of assessment and management of risks associated with dangerous goods transportation belongs among actual topics of science and research even at European level. This paper compiles the information, knowledge on current trends in solving the issue dangerous goods transportation safety ensuring, the assessment of risks associated with it and proposes the ways how to enhance the current situation in monitoring the ADR vehicles, when transporting the dangerous goods to get prompt information on their position in any time, to localise it precisely in case on an accident, as well as to identify the accident most susceptible localities based on commonly used transportation routes evaluation using the monitoring data.


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How to Cite
MajlingovaA., & PántyaP. (2023). Management of risks associated with dangerous goods transportation - review. Defence Science, 4(1), 220-246. Retrieved from