Examination of on-foot radioactive sources reconnaissance methods and measurement assemblies

Keywords: On foot, radiation detection, isotope search, identification, source, lost source, orphan source recovery


Reconnaissance of radioactive sources and radiation contamination has been a part of the responsibilities of CBRN military defense and law enforcement agencies for many years. Radiation detection cannot be performed without the use of special equipment. Different tools and methods are available to complete this task. This publication seeks to find out which of the various search solutions is the most suitable for carrying out on foot radar recon. In addition to examining various search and discovery options, I tested possible solutions based on specific measurement assemblies and measurement results. I do comparison of measurement techniques suitable for the task and draw conclusions from this.


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How to Cite
Petrányi J., ZsitnyányiA., & VassG. (2023). Examination of on-foot radioactive sources reconnaissance methods and measurement assemblies. Defence Science, 4(3), 83-95. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13353