the BIM and the fire protection part I.

Keywords: complex fire protection, innovative engineering methods, BIM, smart building


The complex needs of the buildings in the XXI. century, the constantly renewed technical solutions, and the dynamic variable use of the buildings lay the issues of the fire safety of the buildings on a new foundations. The size (height, floor area, quantity of people, etc.), the design, the use of the buildings determines the entire life cycle of the building the risks, and the required fire protection equilibrium involved in the building – human – fire interactions. The innovative fire protection solutions based on evaluative, analytical methods of exact theories, wich based on technical approaches could be summerized in the method of building information modelling. We can identify equilibrium situations in the life cycle of a building, in the ever-changing fire situations depend on the risks and fire protection evolvings, wich ensure long-term sustainable security, subject to appropriate spatial analysis. In the publication I analyze the implementation of complex fire protection across the full life cycle of buildings. I introduce the potential development opportunities lying in complex fire protection based on with BIM applications created innovative engineering methods, and also in fire protection net which covers the entire life cycle of buildings, which enable us to realize a new, high-level long-term sustainable safety apropos of smart buildings. In the first part of the
article I summarize the basics of BIM methods in the field of fire protection. In the second part of the publication, I evaluate the potential, longterm benefits, and current difficulties of the BIM method for fire protection.


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How to Cite
ÉrcesG. (2023). the BIM and the fire protection part I. Defence Science, 4(4), 1-16. Retrieved from