The vulnerability of fires at Wildland-Urban Interface in Hungary

Keywords: Wildland-Urban Interface, Wildland-Urban Intermix, forest area, populated area, risk


Forest fires are one of the most important natural disasters. In some cases, wildfires may threaten human life and material goods, especially in areas where the population lives directly on the edge of the natural forest areas. This area is called "Wildland - Urban Interface" (WUI). Here the risk of the forest fires is very high. However, in Hungary, these areas have not yet been defined, that is why the author tries to fill this gap. When writing the paper, international WUI areas have been studied and analysed, but it was also important to participate in an international forest fire conference, which highlighted to the shortcomings and tasks to be solved in Hungary. As a result of the paper, the author examines the areas and settlements in Hungary where the risk of WUI fires is high. As a result of the paper, a WUI topological matrix is created for a French sample, which gives an opportunity to learn about the risk of WUI fires
in the whole country. As a part of the examination, the natural vegetation cover and the urbanization features can be determined.


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How to Cite
BodnárL. (2023). The vulnerability of fires at Wildland-Urban Interface in Hungary. Defence Science, 5(1), 18-36. Retrieved from