Analysis of the croatian LNG-terminal developement

Keywords: energy, LNG-project, natural gas pipeline, transport system


Security of energy supply in Central Europe raises a number of issues to be addressed, given that investment in diversification has not yet been realized. Plans include the construction of a Croatian LNG terminal to receive liquefied natural gas, which would significantly contribute to increasing Hungary's energy security. In order to substantiate the theoretical background for future energy supply diversification, an energetic analysis of the countries involved in the ensuring of energy supply is necessary. The purpose of this article is to explore the energy characteristics of Croatia – in particular the supply of natural gas – with regard to the planned construction of the LNG terminal.


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How to Cite
SibalinI., Kátai-UrbánL., & CimerZ. (2023). Analysis of the croatian LNG-terminal developement. Defence Science, 5(1), 153-166. Retrieved from