Fundamental legal aspects of differential flood protection! Differentation or discrimination?
Today’s world is greatly influenced by natural and weather phenomena’s, as a result of this the water level is rising and flooding is more and more common as a result it draws societies attention to the consequences listed by the flood protection society. The flood protection’s legal importance as well as the different ways of defense against the floods brings up a whole new set of questions. At the same time - we need to put a big emphasis on a task as large scale as this one as well as on the economic and social consequences of it - the improvements for a flood protection such as this one is limited in practice as a result to this we have to use different methods to optimally decrease the risk of floods. In Hungary these different methods are still only now starting to improve, even though a need already arose at the legislative body that a flood protection system would be required nationwide by law, moreover its aim would be to have a low budget but at the same time it would satisfy all the needs.
A folyók mértékadó árvízszintjeiről szóló 74/2014. (XII. 23.) BM rendelet
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