Introduction and risk reduction of microplastics

Keywords: mikroplastics, hygenic risk, food and drinking water safety


Nowadays received more attention in the drinking water in the course of the researches in the past years mikroplastics and it is effects caused on health. The WHO established it in 2019 that the mikroplastics all physical, all chemistry and a microbiological risk is presented for the living world, since the mikroplastics particles has the possibility to get into the organization of the living beings and they may get into the foods. These particles may get into the air, surface waters and a drinking water. Managed to get into the environment mikroplastics, mikropolluting the conditions of the animal or vegetal vital processes and the water the applicability of truth is reduced for a man, it may be brought to an end possibly. The analysis of these substances getting into environment is important for the effect of his survey and the polluters has on health for our society. The plastic substance of which use can be made very multi-faceted, his production are relatively cheap. The author of this article would like to review the environmental occurrence of micro-plastics and their water safety moreover health risks and also presentation of mikroplastics research in Hungary.


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How to Cite
ParragT. K. (2023). Introduction and risk reduction of microplastics. Defence Science, 6(1), 103-121. Retrieved from