Research experiences on the fire extinguishing of Li-ion batteries, possibilities of firefighting intervention

Keywords: lithium ion, battery, fire protection, firefighting, fire brigade


Over the last few years, the penetration of lithium-ion batteries has visibly increased. They are being used in a significantly wider range of technical devices, vehicles and the designs being used are increasing in size and capacity, with a corresponding increase in the amount of energy typically extracted. This also leads to a multi-directional increase in risk, as more and more locations are encountering these high capacity lithium-ion batteries. Experience to date
suggests that, although they pose a low risk of fire, they present a number of challenges for fire protection and fire fighting. In this article, the relevant international research results are reviewed, presenting some existing background knowledge and possible fire protection and fire fighting solutions, as well as some options for the near future.


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How to Cite
PántyaP. (2023). Research experiences on the fire extinguishing of Li-ion batteries, possibilities of firefighting intervention. Defence Science, 8(2), 19-29. Retrieved from