Risks of fire spread in residential building facades

Keywords: residential buildings, facade fire spread, combustile facade thermal insulation, polystyrenes, radiant heat


The aim of this paper is to summarize the hazards of fire spread in residential buildings, from the aspect of facade fire spread. Although in our country, current regulations regarding the applicability of thermal insulation on facades are getting stricter every year, apartment fires still often occur, which usually spread also to the facade. In addition, the regulations against the spread of fire on facades are very different within Europe. This means a serious problem from the manufacturer's point of view. And still there is a factor that is not covered by the regulations of any country, and that is the effect of radiant heat.


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How to Cite
LászlóG., & KutiR. (2023). Risks of fire spread in residential building facades. Defence Science, 8(2), 30-48. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13513