Some aspects of european banking infrastructure protection in the light of fire protection training and evacuation practice

Keywords: fire training, evacuation exercise, safety culture, critical infrastructure protection, european banking industry


Fire safety plays a crucial role in critical infrastructure protection. However, researchers have not treated fire safety training and fire evacuation exercise in much detail. An objective of this paper is to provide an overview of safety culture with focus on fire training and fire evacuation exercise, based on the current literature. Then, seeking the best practice in fire safety training and fire evacuation exercise, current practice of members of the banking industry in the EU will be presented. The results of our quantitative research cannot be generalised; however, conclusions can be drawn regarding to the fire safety, fire training and fire evacuation exercise. Bringing together the findings, suggestion will be given in order to enhance fire training and evacuation exercise by wider cooperation and knowledge sharing. This study  provides new insights into the current situation of fire safety and critical infrastructure protection. Our results should help to improve safety culture and would be relevant to all operators of essential services, regulators, experts, auditors and researchers of this field as well.


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How to Cite
SomogyiT., & NagyR. (2023). Some aspects of european banking infrastructure protection in the light of fire protection training and evacuation practice. Defence Science, 8(1), 65-85. Retrieved from