Opportunities for the developement of the national qualification system in the field of diving activity

Keywords: high professional requirements, unified training system, top management decision, possibilities for developement, EU tenders, sources


The diving experience we gained during the 2013 Danube flood protection in Baja during the deployment of the diving component of the rescue team, as well as what we gained during the boat accidents at the István Türr Bridge and the rescue of the Mermaid, played an important role in the choice of topic. Using this experience, my goal is to present a training system, ERDI, the Emergency Response Diving International, that today provides the best possible training and support to volunteer rescue organizations that have joined the National Certification Scheme. The task of the working group I lead is to formulate and develop a recommendation that will help the renewal of the diving part of the National Qualifications Organization and Operations Directive, taking into account the international experience, the introduction of the ERDI training system.


www.katasztrofavedelem.hu › nemzeti-minositesi-rendszer (Letöltés ideje: 2022.01.17.)

How to Cite
OssóJ. (2023). Opportunities for the developement of the national qualification system in the field of diving activity. Defence Science, 7(3), 132-148. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13586