Investigationb of micro-plastics in waters and their health effects

Keywords: microplastic, nanoplastic, industrial safety, disaster management


This article provides a comprehensive overview concerning global microplastic crises and various destructive anthropogenic events. Results from a large scale international studies are presented in the context of their ecological and environmental perspective. The highly destructive effects of microplastic objects are not yet fully discovered. There is an almost impenetrable complexity involved concerned to grasp their impact because of completely different physical and chemical properties that create microplastics varied stressors. This paper emphasises the most poisonous and hazardous chemical ingredients in all daily used plastic materials to characterise the effect and implications of these dangerous chemicals on maritime
life system and human health. We evaluated the existing literature on micro and nano plastic exposure pathways and their potential risk to human and agroecosystem well-being to summerise current knowledge and highlight the value of future research in this area.


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How to Cite
ParragT. K., & GálH. N. (2023). Investigationb of micro-plastics in waters and their health effects. Defence Science, 7(3), 164-182. Retrieved from