DVI2022 - The evolvement of the DVI since the first hungarian deployment

Keywords: mass fatality incident, disaster, victim, identification, Interpol, accident


The DVI (disaster victim identification) is constantly evolving, following the evaluation of the experience of mass fatality incidents. The Interpol DVI Working Group also regularly reviews standardized protocols, methods and forms. Since the publication of the first Hungarian DVI manual, the Hungarian unit has been deployed four times, from which the experiences can also be subtracted. This paper reviews the development of recent years, the experiences subtracted during the trainings and missions that have taken place.


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How to Cite
FaridA., FarkasC. B., & PetréteiD. (2023). DVI2022 - The evolvement of the DVI since the first hungarian deployment. Defence Science, 7(3), 204-214. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13590