Are we living in a dangerous place? Central Europe Disaster Risk Assessment
In the present study, I examine the vulnerability of the Central European region, in our case the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. Understanding regional vulnerability is essential to investigate the most common disaster types, the most significant elements of vulnerability, and the human and economic damage caused by natural hazards. I carry out the vulnerability analysis according to my own system of criteria, which are natural geographical, socio-geographical and statistical characteristics. In the statistical analysis, I examine events between 2004 and 2018 according to four variables: occurrence, death, affected, and economic damage. In terms of disaster types, it has been stated that there have been emergencies in the area of floods, extreme temperatures and storms in recent decades. However, these values are not outstanding: based on 15 years of statistics, far-reaching conclusions about the increase in the number and severity of disasters cannot be drawn. The variables basically move only in a narrow range from year to year, always with a major catastrophic event causing outstanding value.
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