Analysis of the technical and technological background of the disaster management authority system, and examination of the possibilities for further developement

Keywords: e-governance, disaster management, industrial 4.0, IoT, efficiency


The security of a well-functioning country requires a public administration and a defense management system. The author tries to present the operation of the disaster management organization system developed in today's Hungary from the aspect of official activity, paying special attention to the examination of the "smart" tools improving the efficiency of public administration, and to prove that the can significantly increase the use of "smart" tools and technologies, thus contributing to the prevention of damage, disaster risk and subsequent disaster. The author has demonstrated, based on the research methods used, that, due to the problems described, the increasing number of checks and the evolving information society
expectations require us to assist the authorities in disaster management with smart tools and technologies to ensure safety, even higher.


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How to Cite
LakatosB. R. (2023). Analysis of the technical and technological background of the disaster management authority system, and examination of the possibilities for further developement. Defence Science, 7(1), 101-121. Retrieved from