Features of management of natural disasters as a result of climate change based on the guidelines of the Sendai Framework

Keywords: climate change, human trafficking, environmental migration, disaster risk


It is an indisputable fact that the effects of climate change are leading to more and more intense changes in every area of the ecosystem. The current environmental changes are leading to a series of unexpected natural disasters, which contribute significantly to the increase of the number of minors exploited by human traffickers in the area affected by the disasters. Due to the devastating natural disasters, education and social system will cease to exist, in the absence
of which human traffickers will forcibly remove minors from their homeland, mostly for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Natural disasters resulting from climate change will result in significant changes in key supply sectors, including the agricultural industry, which will have an intense impact on environmental migration. Thanks to this phenomenon, millions of people, including a large number of minors, could leave their homeland, who could easily fall victim
to traffickers. The Sendai Framework Convention, approved in 2015, could offer a solution to these global challenges, which affect millions of minors. The priorities set out in the Framework Convention clearly designate the guidelines and tasks needed to reduce vulnerability and risk about minors or environmental migrants orphaned by natural disasters.


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How to Cite
BércziL., & KállaiK. (2023). Features of management of natural disasters as a result of climate change based on the guidelines of the Sendai Framework. Defence Science, 7(1), 142-151. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13670