Water provision under the Covid-19 lockdown conditions: snapshot of microbial quality of alternative sources, the associated costs and carbon footprints

Keywords: H2-S test kit, transport, utility, geographical separation


The situational reality, i.e. everyday functioning of a single human being and the existence of all of Homo sapiens, during the COVID19 pandemic requires maintenance of personal hygiene. Here results from the monitoring of microbial water quality of rainwater and treated municipal water from a retail shop in Makana Local Municipality are presented. These are the two main alternative sources of potable water during the current drought rationing of the municipal water supply. Testing of microbial water quality was done using the H2S test kit. The costs and carbon footprint of retail shop water was estimated using distance travelled to the shop, the related fuel consumption and literature data. Disinfection of the sampled rainwater was done using the One Drop disinfectant. All samples of the harvested rainwater were positive for faecal contamination, while the treated municipal water from the retail shop was always free from faecal contamination. The cost of purchasing 1 litre of the treated drinking water from a water-only shop in the main mall in Makana Local Municipality ranged from 1.64 AR to 2.11 ZAR, depending on the settlement studied. Taking the treated water being the
source of water for drinking only, the estimated cost would account for between 9.5 and 36.2 % of the estimated monthly income of a low-income household. The carbon footprint of provision of 1 litre of treated municipal water was equal to 77.5 g CO2 for the middle-class suburb and to 135.5 g CO2 for the low-income suburb. Transport burden was the largest portion of the costs and carbon footprints of the drinking water provision from alternative sources in Makana Local Municipality. Installation of the treatment systems as urban furniture in close proximity to the households could provide sufficient of supply of safe drinking water to the Makana population during COVID19 and beyond.


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How to Cite
IheanetuC., & TandlichR. (2023). Water provision under the Covid-19 lockdown conditions: snapshot of microbial quality of alternative sources, the associated costs and carbon footprints. Defence Science, 7(1), 162-190. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13672