The role of the material quality on self ignition process of animal feed

Keywords: material quality, feed, thermal process, self-ignition, combustion


An overview of the issue of spontaneous inflammation, even in professional circles, is often done by traversing the well-known manifestations of phenomena in practice in a template. On the one hand, this is easy to understand, since, unlike the usual and easily identifiable mechanism of staged fire generation processes, we can only see into the true nature of these thermal processes by exploring a much more complex and in-depth knowledge of the natural sciences. However, it is already a clearer and even widely known component of these thermal changes that, as a result of all these heat-generating processes, the components involved in the interaction undergo a qualitative transformation. However, during spontaneous combustion, common manifestations of this, such as burn marks, intense smoke and heat generation, etc. they usually appear only long after the process begins. However, the way in which these differences can be discovered in the mechanism of spontaneous inflammation and the
accompanying characteristics are manifested primarily in the differences in material quality. Some details of this are illustrated by the author of this article through the self-ignition characteristics of animal feeds.


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How to Cite
NagyR. (2023). The role of the material quality on self ignition process of animal feed. Defence Science, 6(4), 16-41. Retrieved from