Combustile parameters of native timber modificated by BlockWood method

Keywords: flame retardant of wood, fire tests, modification of wood, BlockWood method


Wood is one of the most ancient building material. It is available anywhere, it is easy to shape, it is flexible and strong enough to make it an excellent building material. The use of wood also has a disadvantage, which is the flammability. There are countless literatures and procedures in the topic of the flame retardancy. The modification involves the use of wood preservatives. The authors present the so-called BlokkWood method used in Hungary as a new procedure and its effect, supplemented with their own tests. The wood were subjected to several types of testing. These are partly standard and partly non-building material standard, but in case of fire, the effect
must be taken into account. The specimens were mainly Hungarian wood species. The purpose of the paper is to investigate whether the BlokkWood method is suitable for the efficient modification of trees.


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How to Cite
GyőriM., KerekesZ., MensahR., & Restás Ágoston. (2023). Combustile parameters of native timber modificated by BlockWood method. Defence Science, 6(3), 107-124. Retrieved from