Determination of selected fuel values of wood in case of forest fire in an area of natural disaster

Keywords: forest fire, coniferous tree species, weight loss, burning rate


Forest fires are quite a common phenomenon, even on the European continent. Even if this phenomenon was quite rare in our territory in the past, it needs to be given close attention in the future. Firefighting requires great manpower and resources, in many cases on a long-term scale. The equipment, machinery and tactics of intervention units specializing in forest firefighting are always changing. Forest firefighting has become the subject of much research, and predictive scenarios for forest fire development are designed and tested. The latest equipment, geographic information systems (GIS), knowledge of geomorphological and climate conditions, and meteorological conditions are all included in fire simulations. An important factor for such a simulation is knowing what kind of fuel naturally occurs in the area of the potential forest fire. This article aims to compare methods of testing the fire characteristics and differences in fuel properties according to the position of the wood on the tree (branch, trunk and root) for various coniferous tree species (spruce, fir, pine and larch). To determine these characteristics, the test method, in particular the dimensions of the samples, had to be modified. The results of the experiments are presented in this article in the form of charts.


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How to Cite
Makovická OsvaldováL. (2023). Determination of selected fuel values of wood in case of forest fire in an area of natural disaster. Defence Science, 6(3), 168-182. Retrieved from