Flammability qualification with oxigen index (LOI) of textiles used as building materials

Keywords: fire protection, polymers, polyester, geotextile, flammability, self-sustaining combustion, nonwoven geotextile


Today, plastics are increasingly used as a building material, and traditional silicates are starting to displace. The plastic industry was developed significant in the last decades. The application of plastics are increasing. Because of this it is a high risk factor. The characterization of the behaviour of plastics while being on fire is of great importance for the practical use of plastic materials. Toxic gases arose during combustion of plastics, that’s dangerous for people and environment. Our paper presents the occurrence of the most common plastics in buildings: woven and non-woven textiles, and cables. These are subject to the same stringent flammability requirements as traditional products. Polyester (PES) is one of the most important synthetic polymers. Subject of my examination is the nonwoven geotextiles. They are widely used in many fields such as flat roof insulation. Conversely, it has various disadvantages such as highly flammable combined with dripping, smoking, shrinking effect. For these reasons, it is necessary to improve the anti-dripping and fire retardant properties of textiles, that used in buildings. The flue gas composition, the combustion temperature affect the survival chances in case of fire. The  aim is, that analyze flame retardant properties of textiles with LOI. The method provides a classification of the burning behaviour.


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How to Cite
SzépJ., KerekesZ., BleszityJ., VassG., & Restás Ágoston. (2023). Flammability qualification with oxigen index (LOI) of textiles used as building materials. Defence Science, 6(3), 197-210. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13754