The place and role of the volunteer firefighters association in the disaster risk reduction system in the republic of Serbia

Keywords: volunteer firefighters association, local self-government, organization


Volunteer firefighter associations are members of firefighters unions, voluntary, non-profit organizations based on freedom of association. They are established for the purpose of organized voluntary participation of citizens in the implementation of fire protection, rescue of people and property. They are obliged to form, equip, and maintain at least one volunteer firefighting unit. As such, they represent a huge potential for the security of local self-government. The paper gives an
overview of the work of a volunteer firefighters association in the Central Banat Administrative District.


Law on Voluntary Firefighting, “RS Official Gazette”, No. 87/2018

Law on Fire Protection (“RS Official Gazette”, No. 111/2009, 20/2015, 87/2018 and 87/2018 - state laws)

Law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management, “RS Official Gazette”, No. 87/2018

Rulebook on Conditions Regarding Material and Technical Equipment, “RS Official Gazette”, No. 90/2019

Law on Associations, “RS Official Gazette”, No. 51/2009

VFA Articles of Association

How to Cite
BabićB. (2023). The place and role of the volunteer firefighters association in the disaster risk reduction system in the republic of Serbia. Defence Science, 6(3), 312-324. Retrieved from