Spatial fundamentals of the protection against fire spread relationship between the risk unit and the fire section in Hungary

Keywords: risk unit, fire section, fire spread, BIM


The spatial characteristics of fire spread fundamentally determine the ways in which fire propagation protection is designed. According to the Hungarian regulations, the extent of the basic units of fire protection is currently determined by means of risk-based analysis. Taking into account the spatial effects of fire, the authors analyse the real spatial aspects of protection against the fire spread e in the paper. The relationships between risk units and fire sections are presented. Novel complex design methods are described for the analytical possibilities in building information modelling and in the context of fire sections studied by network research methods.


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How to Cite
ÉrcesG., & RáczS. (2023). Spatial fundamentals of the protection against fire spread relationship between the risk unit and the fire section in Hungary. Defence Science, 6(3), 335-346. Retrieved from