The correlation of climate change and the disasters due to precipitation in Hungary

Keywords: climate change, extreme rainfall, hydrological disasters


Today, disaster management organizations, beside their traditional duties in fire prevention, civil protection and disaster management have to face serious challenges with special regard to the security and disaster management questions posed by climate change. As a segment of adaptation to the effects of climate change everyone has a role, a right and a responsibility, from citizens, to professional disaster management bodies, to those involved in home security. There is a tendency for the extremity of precipitation to increase. Precipitation is either too much or too little, which can cause both inland water and drought in the same area, in the same year. According to domestic climate change experts, in parallel with the decrease in precipitation, it will be typical that the extremity of precipitation will continue to increase, so the frequency of floods, lightning floods, inland waters and droughts is also expected to increase.


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Nemzeti Aszálystratégia tervezet available from:

KIROVNÉ RÁCZ, R.M., Az éghajlatváltozás okozta hidrológiai katasztrófák elleni védelem oktatásának helyzete, fejlesztési lehetőségei, PhD dissertation, University of Public Service, 2015.

How to Cite
Kirovné RáczR. M. (2023). The correlation of climate change and the disasters due to precipitation in Hungary. Defence Science, 6(3), 452-458. Retrieved from