150-year-old organized fire protection of the city of Paks

  • István Csőglei
Keywords: fire protection, fire brigade, Paks, anniversary, jubilee, disaster management, nuclear power plant, volunteer firefighter association, commanders


The development of organized fire protection and the establishment of fire brigades in Hungary are many researched. Each one was written by famous predecessors at the national level, in the capital and in the countryside the establishment and development of organizations. The fire brigades commemorated the round in publications about its anniversaries, dedicated commanders, equipment, special fire and damage incidents. Nowadays, we have many historical writings and publications that we can access in printed form or in the electronic space as well. Yet when in the life of an organization 15-20 years pass, the demand arises again that it should be based on the model of previous publications to remember these years as well. This is not an easy task. It is worth starting this as who spent this period actively in the organization. It is also necessary to research those a persons, former commanders, who can help with their memories. Paks city the formation of organized fire protection can be traced back to 1874, it will be celebrated in 2024 the 150th anniversary of its existence. That's a very long time. Many difficulties, organizational the road led to this point through change and a devastating fire. This eventful period I summarized in my writing.


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How to Cite
CsőgleiI. (2024). 150-year-old organized fire protection of the city of Paks. Defence Science, 9(1), 92-108. https://doi.org/10.61790/vt.2024.15280