The role of plans and practices in developing the resilience of critical entities

Keywords: critical organizations and infrastructures, resilience, risk assessment, planning, practice


Nowadays, we are exposed to countless threats whether examined at the individual level, or at the infrastructural or organizational level. Surviving challenges is not enough. Developments and measures related to protection based on evidence and experience greatly facilitate flexible adaptation in critical situations, but it is not enough to focus only on response, prevention must also play an important role, all of these must form the basis of planning. Protection can reach the highest levels if we focus not only on precautions, but also maximize the entity's resistance. The role of risk assessment increases in resilience development. A well-grounded risk analysis sheds light on the individual, personalized risks of the entity and infrastructure, which may even be sector-specific risks. Practice is the most effective form of checking measures designed to manage risks. We can continuously improve the resilience of critical entites and infrastructures by eliminating and correcting errors discovered during the exercise.


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How to Cite
Baloghné PruhaM. A. (2024). The role of plans and practices in developing the resilience of critical entities. Defence Science, 9(ksz.), 9-13. Retrieved from