On the taxonomic diversity of Asplenium trichomanes aggregate (Aspleniaceae), especially the distribution of subsp. hastatum in Hungary

  • János Csiky University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Ecology, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, Hungary
  • Tamás Wirth University of Pécs, Botanic Garden, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6, Hungary
  • Júlia Tamás Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1087 Budapest, Könyves K. krt. 40, Hungary
Keywords: identification key, morphology, pinna, subspecies, urban flora


Hungarian identification keys published so far only allowed the recognition of two Asplenium trichomanes agg. taxa: A. trichomanes subsp. trichomanes and A. t. subsp. quadrivalens. As a result of research in Hungarian herbaria, field surveys and literature review, the occurrence of three tetraploid taxa of Asplenium trichomanes agg. was confirmed in Hungary. Among them, subsp. quadrivalens is widespread throughout the country and can be considered as a common taxon. Thanks to the work of Stefan Jessen, some published data on the occurrence of subsp. hastatum and nothosubsp. lovisianum (the sterile hybrid of subsp. quadrivalens and subsp. hastatum) in Hungary have been known in the literature since 1995. This information, however, has not been included in Hungarian botanical knowledge. These taxa were rediscovered in 2022, thanks to the systematic urban flora mapping of Pécs (since 2006), and herbarium revisions in the same year. Based on our research, in addition to the well-known characteristics, identification of these taxa can also be done according to the proportion of pinnae with lobed base: <20% of pinnae in the case of subsp. quadrivalens, and >50% of pinnae in the case of subsp. hastatum are lobed (auriculate) and symmetrical, while the proportion of lobed base in their hybrid is transitional, much closer to that of subsp. quadrivalens. Based on the known distribution of subsp. hastatum (Aggtelek Karst, Bükk, Buda Mts., Bakony, Sopron Mts., Mecsek), it is a particularly rare, calciphilous fern of the colline-montane belt in Hungary, that would also deserve the classification into the endangered (EN) category of IUCN. For now, however, we recommend treating it as a data-deficient (DD) taxon. Based on the literature, the tetraploid subsp. pachyrachis also has herbarium data from Hungary, however, the revision of the available specimens seems to refute this finding, for now.


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