Oenothera pycnocarpa Atk. et Bartl. in Hungary and additions to the distribution of other alien taxa in the country

  • Csaba Molnár H-3728 Gömörszőlős, Kassai u. 34
  • Norbert Bauer Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1087 Budapest, Könyves K. krt. 40, Hungary
  • András István Csathó H-5830 Battonya, Somogyi B. u. 42/A, Hungary
  • Viktor Szigeti Centre for Ecological Research, Lendület Ecosystem Services Research Group, H-2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2–4, Hungary
  • Dávid Schmidt Institute of Botany and Nature Conservation, Faculty of Forestry, University of Sopron, H-9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4, Hungary
Keywords: casual alien species, invasive species, neophyte, synathropic flora, transformer species, urban flora


This study contains 153 new records for 19 neophyte invasive species in Hungary collected over the past few years. The first occurrence in Hungary is reported for Oenothera pycnocarpa living on fallow land near Tápiószecső (Central Hungary). We provide a detailed morphological description and photographic documentation of the plants found. Based on European examples, the species is expected to spread slowly without transforming natural habitats. We present three transformer species, of which Sporobolus cryptandrus endangers sandy grasslands in the Kiskunság, Prunus serotina poses an increasing problem during oak-forest regeneration in the Bakonyalja, while Panicum dichotomiflorum (mainly in the North Hungarian Mountains) is transforming the weed vegetation of agricultural fields and the vegetation of roadsides and road edges at an accelerating rate. Two of the partially transforming species are described. In an isolated forest at the edge of the Great Hungarian Plain, we report the appearance of Impatiens parviflora already widespread in most parts of the country except the Great Hungarian Plain. We provide several new records for the insufficiently studied Oenothera depressa, which is one of the most common Oenothera taxa in the Kiskunság region and is predominantly found on sandy fields, spoils, sometimes on sandy grasslands and on the open sand surfaces in tree plantations. In addition to Oenothera pycnocarpa, we also report data on 10 other species that are expanding but not (yet) transforming habitats. Besides its frequent urban occurrence, Commelina communis was also found on railway tracks and forest garbage heaps. In addition to larger cities, Cymbalaria muralis appears on stone walls in smaller villages. Although Euphorbia maculata, E. prostrata and Eleusine indica are typically known from urban environments, these species now turn up in villages and in remote areas along roadways and dirt roads as well. Iva xanthiifolia, found on dunghill, old field and wild boar feeder, is also a slow-spreading species. Lepidium densiflorum was encountered along dirt roads and in train stations. Subspontaneus population s of the ornamental plant Oenothera glazioviana mainly occur and survive on village ditches, rubbish hills and more rarely on sandy fallow land. The accelerated invasion of Phytolacca esculenta is supplemented with data from green waste hills, ditches and city parks. Trigonella caerulea, cultivated formerly as a forage plant, forms self-sustaining stands on sandy fields near Fülöpszállás. Finally, we present three casual alien species. Illegal deposition of green waste and clippings plays an important role in the distribution of Euphorbia lathyris and Impatiens balfourii. The subspontaneous occurrence of Goniolimon tataricum, which is rarely naturalized worldwide, has been observed on roadside slopes in the Balaton Uplands and in a cemetery in Kunszentmiklós.


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