Additions to the knowledge of Hungarian Festuca taxa I. Taxa of Festuca psammophila series in the Festuca vaginata species complex

Keywords: awn, Festuca dominii, inflorescens, spikelet


We studied the vegetation of sandy areas along the Danube River. The most important dominant species of these grasslands is Festuca vaginata. Besides this taxon, Festuca pseudovaginata as a new species was also described by the author of this paper earlier. According to certain authors, F. dominii is a dominant species in acidic sand grasslands in Hungary. The taxonomic position of Festuca dominii Krajina underwent substantial changes in the past few decades. Today, the accepted name of the species is F. psammophila subsp. dominii (Krajina) P. Šmarda. To clarify the taxonomy and geographical distribution of taxa belonging to the Festuca vaginata species complex, we examined and collected individuals belonging to F. vaginata in altogether 20 sample sites in Hungary. We found that the F. vaginata taxon were typically lacking awn. In addition, we also encountered individuals with 0.2–0.6 mm long awn covered by short hairs on the tip of the lemma. These individuals can be considered as varieties of F. vaginata as they have no isolated geographical distribution. After a careful examination of the literature and herbarium specimens, it can be concluded that the valid taxonomy for F. dominii Krajina is F. psammophila subp. dominii (Krajina) P. Šmarda today. Both the variety and the base species is absent from the Pannonicum. This fact and the dominance of F. vaginata in acidic sand grasslands in Hungary justify the absence of Festuco dominii-Corynephoretum Borhidi (1957) 1996 association in Hungary. The proper association on acidic sand is Festuco vaginatae-Corynephoretum Soó in Aszód 1935.


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How to Cite
Penksza K. (2019). Additions to the knowledge of Hungarian Festuca taxa I. Taxa of Festuca psammophila series in the Festuca vaginata species complex. Botanikai Közlemények, 106(1), 65-70.
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