Ex situ protection of the giant plantain (Plantago maxima Juss. ex Jacq.) II. Habitat preference studies

  • Zsófia Kovács Szent István University, Department of Botany and Soroksár Botanical Garden, Villányi út 29–43, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary
  • Sándor Barabás Department of Terrestrial Ecology, Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Ecology and Botany, Alkotmány u. 2–4, H-2163 Vácrátót, Hungary
  • Péter Csontos Centre for Agricultural Research, Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Department of Soil Biology, Herman Ottó út 15, H-1022 Budapest, Hungary
  • Mária Höhn Szent István University, Department of Botany and Soroksár Botanical Garden, Villányi út 29–43, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary
  • Péter Honfi Szent István University, Department of Floriculture and Dendrology, Villányi út 29–43, H-1118 Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: conservation biology, ex situ, morphometry, peroxidase enzyme activity, species conservation


The research reported here is a continuation of our previous germination study on the giant plantain (Plantago maxima Juss. ex Jacq.) aiming at the species ex situ conservation. Seedlings obtained from the germination tests were used for the establishment of ex situ stands. In order to understand the species’ habitat preferences, ex situ stands were planted in three different habitat types according to soil water regime: a hygrophilous, a mesophilous and a steppic habitat. These ex situ stands (starting with 100 seedlings each) were set up in a fen meadow in the Soroksár Botanical Garden (Budapest, Hungary), while two additional, very small ex situ stands were created and maintained by horticultural management including regular weed control and watering. Morphometric measurements were used to follow the development of plants in these ex situ stands. In 2017, we also assessed plant survival rate. In the natural fen meadow, we recorded the species composition to characterize the community. To check the physiological status of the individuals in different habitats, we measured peroxidase enzyme activities in individuals sampled from different habitat types. According to our results, mesophilous fen meadow conditions seem to be the most appropriate for the growth and development of the species. Here plants developed properly, the measured peroxidase enzyme activity was low and the survival rate was the highest. Individuals in the other two stands, from the hygrophilous and xeromesophilous (steppic) sites, were significantly less developed. Those plants which were under horticultural care, attained the generative phase in the year of relocation, while those stands established on the fen meadow did not flower during the two-year-long study. Based on morphometrical measurements, plants growing under horticultural management reached the greatest growth.


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