The bryophyte flora of Balaton village (Heves county, Hungary)
Random sampling was performed in different habitats and microhabitats within the administrative borders of the village Balaton including traffic roads, drainage ditches, parks, yards, watercourses, stone walls, cemetery, and tree plantations. Altogether 61 taxa (4 liverworts and 57 mosses) were recorded from the village. The liverwort species belong to 4 families and 4 genera, while the mosses belong to 16 families and 35 genera. 41% of the species belong to 3 families (Brachytheciaceae, Pottiaceae and Orthotrichaceae). Four taxa (Brachythecium glareosum, Cirriphyllum piliferum, Orthotrichum obtusifolium and Orthotrichum pumilum) are near threatened (NT) according to the Hungarian Red List. As to the life strategy categories, 36.1% of the species are colonist, 32.8% perennial, and 16.4% competitive perennial. The results of comparison the bryophyte flora of Balaton and Almásfüzitő (another Hungarian village) show a considerable difference in the species composition, which can be explained by the older built environment, and the lower rate of bare, exposed soil surfaces in Balaton village, and the different species of individual habitats of the two settlements.
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