Relationship between black poplar and white poplar riparian forests in the Szigetköz, Hungary

  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, Ifjúság útja 6, H–7624 Pécs
Keywords: black poplar, Hungarian Plain, landscape protection area, syntaxonomy, white poplar


The syntaxonomical relationship of riparian forests found along the Danube River have been subjected to much debate among phytosociologists. To shed further light on this issue, I conducted a comparative analysis of 65 relevés recorded in white and black poplar riparian forest (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigraeSenecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae) stands along the Danube in the Szigetköz, NW Hungary. Te two communities exhibit apparent differences in physiognomy and the relative proportion of character species, and are grouped separately with multivariate methods. In this analysis, I was able to identify a group of relevés with clearly intermediate characteristics. Te existence of intermediate stands supports the notion that the two communities represent successive stages of a successional series, which forms the basis of the latest syntaxonomy of these communities.


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How to Cite
Kevey B. (2016). Relationship between black poplar and white poplar riparian forests in the Szigetköz, Hungary. Botanikai Közlemények, 103(2), 195-212.
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