Confirmation of Spiraea crenata L. occurrence in Slovakia

Keywords: endangered species, Red Data Book of Slovakia, Rosaceae, vascular plants


Spiraea crenata, a continental Eurasian species with only one known locality in Slovakia is currently assessed by the Slovakian Red Data Book as “critically endangered – probably regionally extinct [CR(PE)]”. The species was discovered by Josef Holub near Svätuše (Východoslovenská nížina lowland, SE Slovakia) in the 1950s, but has not been found for decades despite targeted searches. Two polycormons of the species were recorded in September 2015 near Svätuše, in the vicinity of a quarry, at the margin of shrub vegetation belonging to the association Ligustro-Prunetum R. Tx. 1952 (Berberidion alliance, Crataego-Prunetea class).


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