Remembering Huba Paál (1942-2021)

  • László Gy. Szabó H–7623 Pécs, Semmelweis u. 11, Hungary
Keywords: agrobotany, cytology, science management, Tápiószele


Huba Paál, an excellent researcher and selfless aide of numerous scientists passed away on 16 October 2021. He was born in Lajosmizse on 14 May 1942. He graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University as a biologist and biology-geography high school teacher in 1966. He started his career in the laboratory of Prof. Sándor Sárkány on the embryology of cultivated poppy. His outstanding activity resulted in a one-year scholarship to the Plant Embryological Institute in New Delhi, India. Then he joined the Agrobotanical Research Institute in Tápiószele, where he became a renowned cytologist in the group of Prof. György Mándy. The years spent in Tápiószele and later in the Forage Research Institute in Iregszemcse was the scientifically most productive period of his life. He published extensively and helped many of his fellow researchers selflessly in their work. He participated in the development of mericlonal propagation of potato, and established a plant tissue culture and cytology laboratory at the Bicsérd research station. Since the mid-1980s, he took a leading position in the central administration of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, where his task was the coordination of research conducted in the academic research groups throughout Hungary. Since 1990, he got involved into public administration and soon as an elected President of the Fejér County Assembly served the society. He was an active member of the Hungarian Biological Society and maintained his keen interest in botany even during the years of public service. We keep his memory.

How to Cite
SzabóL. G. (2021). Remembering Huba Paál (1942-2021). Botanikai Közlemények, 108(2), 91-96.
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