Beech woods on sand (Daphno laureolae-Fagetum Borhidi in Borhidi et Kevey 1996) in Vértesalja, Hungary

  • Balázs Kevey University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, H-7624 Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, Hungary
  • Norbert Riezing H–2851 Környe, Koltói Anna út 6, Hungary
  • György Simon H-2485 Gárdony-Dinnyés, Május 1. u. 2/A, Hungary
Keywords: foothill vegetation, Hungarian Mountain Range, syntaxonomy


The beech woods growing on sand in Vértesalja (the northern foot of the Vértes Hills) have not been studied in detail yet. To characterize the community and determine its phytosociological affinity, we analyzed 25 relevés using traditional and multivariate statistical methods. We found that these beech woods have a high proportion of Fagetalia elements in their species composition and differ markedly from the beech woods growing in similar habitats in Belső-Somogy. These beech woods host several rare species like Corydalis intermediaDaphne laureola and Scutellaria columnae. We identified these forest stands with the beech woods distributed in the Transdanubian Mountain Range representing the association Daphno laureolae-Fagetum.


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How to Cite
Kevey B., Riezing N., & Simon G. (2021). Beech woods on sand (Daphno laureolae-Fagetum Borhidi in Borhidi et Kevey 1996) in Vértesalja, Hungary. Botanikai Közlemények, 108(2), 157-168.
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