Article review: We must understand why the impact of information transfer targeting individuals is small and how we can intervene at the systemic level
Systems thinking is essential for effective interventions in complex systems such as overweight and obesity reduction. There is a growing recognition that addressing the underlying causes of obesity requires a systems approach that brings together organisations from the public, private and community sectors to coordinate their efforts. Identifying, implementing and evaluating activities within complex adaptive systems is challenging and may be different from the reductionist approaches previously used in public health.
Nobles, J. D., Radley, D., Mytton, O. T., & Whole Systems Obesity programme team (2022). The Action Scales Model: A conceptual tool to identify key points for action within complex adaptive systems. Perspectives in Public Health, 142(6), 328–337.
Vitrai, J. (2022). Cikkismertetés: Rendszerszemléletű értelmezési keret népegészségügyi beavatkozásokhoz. Egészségfejlesztés, 63(3), 46-48.