What is population health? Or the evolution of the concept of public health

  • József Vitrai Széchenyi István University Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Győr, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group, Szeged, Hungary https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9267-806X
Keywords: public health, complexity, participation


BACKGROUND: In the national professional leadership circles of public health, there is no support for a discourse on the definition of public health. However, this is essential to improve the success of Hungarian public health.

OPINION: Around half a century ago, the Lalonde Report marked a major shift in public health theory and practice, with a renewed focus on lifestyle and the environment. The population health approach was the result of this turnaround, too. Looking back over the history of public health, it is possible to identify clearly stages and turning points in its development, marked by the expansion of expertise and responses to different societal challenges. A new turning point is likely in the 2020s, signaled by the publication of the World Health Organization’s Well-being Framework. It seems that Hungarian public health has not yet passed even the "New Public Health" stage, and its lagging behind the latest is becoming increasingly evident.

CONCLUSIONS: Reviewing the functioning of the national public health institutional system and modernizing it is a sine qua non for the success of public health. However, the conservatism of the professional leadership and policy gaps are a barrier to the renewal of theory and practice in Hungary. It would be a step forward if national practitioners, having read the recently developed White Paper on public health renewal, could initiate a professional debate on the different options for renewal and the steps that are likely to bring about change.


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How to Cite
VitraiJ. (2025). What is population health? Or the evolution of the concept of public health. Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing, 3(1), 13-22. https://doi.org/10.58701/mej.18092