Georeference of the first medium scale (M=1:144,000) geological map series of Hungary

  • Csilla Galambos Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Károly Brezsnyánszky Geological Institute of Hungary, retired
  • Gábor Timár Department of Geophysics and Space Science, Eötvös Loránd University
Keywords: geological map, old map, georeferenced, 19th century, Hungary


The geological mapping in Hungary was relied on the Royal Geological Institute of Hungary and its successor bodies since its foundation, during the last 150 years. The first systematic survey map of the Institute was the (uncompleted) 1:144,000 scale geological map of Hungary. Its topographic basis were the printed, so-called detailed sheets (Spezialkarte) of the second military survey of the Habsburg Empire. The geological pattern were drawn by manual coloring onto the topographic sheets. Many sheets of the map system can be found in two versions, some of them even in three versions of different coloring in the library of the institute. As the compilation of the sheets preceded the Bologna conference and the international agreement of the color system of geological maps, the colors of all mentioned versions differ from the ones of the usual modern geological maps. Here we provide the metadata, suitable for the georeference of the 1:144,000 sheets. Also, an example is provided, based on georeferenced, of the different patches of basalt-covered area of Balaton Highland, in the old and the modern geological maps.


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