Az úrkúti mangánérc-bányászat fúrásainak sztratigráfiai újraértékelése

  • Lóránt Bíró


The manganese ore mining in Úrkút started in 1917 and still goes on today. During the almost 100 years of mining, a high amount of drilling data has been gathered. Nevertheless, up until now the data from the drillings of the Úrkút Basin have not been processed and evaluated, except with respect to economic considerations related to mining (i.e. extension and quality of the ore).
The aim of the present work is to carry out a lithological and stratigraphical re-evaluation of these drillings and to organise them into an expert database. Among the available 1297 drillings (deep-, shallow- and mine drillings) 1279 can be identified easily. As a result of the processing of the drillings, it was possible to study the general geology of the Úrkútbasin, the effects of the denudation observed in the drillings and the build up of the Úrkút Manganese Formation.

How to Cite
BíróL. (2019). Az úrkúti mangánérc-bányászat fúrásainak sztratigráfiai újraértékelése. Földtani Közlöny, 144(1), 3-14. Retrieved from