New data on the Crustacean (Crustacea – Decapoda) fauna from the Late Eocene of Cluj

  • Zoltán Mihály


In a previous work (MIHÁLY 1963), the author described a new Decapod fossil: Xanthopsis bittneri LŐRENTHEY, not
yet known in Romania and South-East Europe. This form has been found in the Someşul Mic river bed, in the Nummulites
fabianii level, namely in terminal part of the Cluj Limestone Formation (HOFMANN 1879), belonging to the Upper Eocene;
in a very good preservation.
After VÍA BOADA (1969), this species belong to the Harpactoxanthopsis genus, created by him, accepted by us, when
we have studied the type species in the Geological Institute of Hungary, in Budapest.
Later, the number of samples at this level has reached 15 pieces, and, it has also been discovered in the Brebi Marl
Formation (HOFMANN 1879); in the same place 8 specimens were found. In this work we present the morphometry of the
discovered exemplars.
Within this work the author describes a new species of the Upper Eocene from Romania, namely Micromaia
tuberculata BITTNER of the Cluj Limestone Formation.

How to Cite
MihályZ. (2020). New data on the Crustacean (Crustacea – Decapoda) fauna from the Late Eocene of Cluj. Földtani Közlöny, 141(3), 251-256. Retrieved from