Shallow subsurface layer anomalies at the Királyhágó square in Budapest

  • András Nagymarosy
  • Tamás Paál


During an everyday engineering geological field study (Budapest, Buda Mts) an extraordinary
sedimentary sequence was discovered. Instead of in situ Tard and Kiscell Clay Formations, a 14 m-thick
Quaternary slope deposit was exposed consisiting of reworked matériái of the above formations. The
inverted sequence of the reworked matériái and the extremely thick valley-infill refers to slope processes
have taken place more complicated indicate than it was once belived.

How to Cite
NagymarosyA., & PaálT. (2020). Shallow subsurface layer anomalies at the Királyhágó square in Budapest . Földtani Közlöny, 137(1), 129-136. Retrieved from
Geology in Practice