Pannonian molluscs and their localities in the Gerecse Hills, Transdanubian Range: stratigraphy, paleoenvironment, geological evolution

  • Imre Magyar Research Group for Paleontology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences-Hungarian Natural History Museum-Eötvös U; MOL Plc., e-mail:
  • Orsolya Sztanó Department of Geology, Eötvös University, e-mail:
  • Gábor Csillag Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary
  • Zsolt Kercsmár Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary
  • Lajos Katona MTM Bakonyi Természettudományi Múzeuma
  • Zoltán Lantos Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary
  • István Róbert Bartha Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University
  • László Fodor MTA-ELTE Geological, Geophysical and Space Science Research Group
Keywords: Pannon-tó, pannóniai emelet, Gerecse, puhatestűek, paleoökológia, Száki Formáció, Újfalui Formáció, delta


Gerecse Hills, representing the northwesternmost part of the Mesozoic-Paleogene Transdanubian Range, is surrounded by an Upper Miocene-Pliocene (Pannonian) lacustrine to fluvial sedimentary cover to the west and to the north, i.e. towards the Danube – Kisalföld Basin of Slovakia and Hungary. The oldest reports on fossil molluscs from these sediments were published almost 150 years ago. A systematic mapping of the area by geologists of the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary revealed a number of natural and artificial outcrops of fossiliferous Lake Pannon sediments. The present study is based on the molluscs collected from these outcrops, and sedimentological description and interpretation of the embedding sequences.
The Upper Miocene deposits near the Gerecse Hills comprise one transgressive-regressive cycle. In the brickyard claypits of Tata, located in the western foreland of the Gerecse Hills, the transgressive limb is represented by the Szák Formation. This formation starts with a thin transgressive lag and consists of homogeneous, bioturbated, bluish-grey clay and argillaceous marl, deposited from suspension in quiet offshore conditions. Characteristic mollusc species include large dreissenids (Congeria czjzeki, C. partschi, C. ungulacaprae), a wide variety of cockles (Lymnocardium tegulatum, L. triangulatocostatum, L. majeri, L. apertum, L. aff. brunnense, L. aff. rogenhoferi, „Pontalmyra” otiophora, Paradacna sp.), and deep-water-adapted pulmonate snails (Valenciennius reussi, Radix kobelti, Gyraulus sp.). This fauna lived in a nutrient-rich and well-oxygenated deep sublittoral environment, at a few tens of meters water depth.
Probably the same transgressive event is reflected in the Vályus-kút outcrop (Tardos), in the central part of the hills at 375 m above sea level, where a small patch of Lake Pannon sediments escaped subsequent erosion. In this sequence, lignite-bearing black clay and variegated clays with freshwater and terrestrial molluscs (Theodoxus radmanesti, Melanopsis sturi sturi, M. sturi tortispina, Planorbidae sp., Unionidae sp., Valvata oecsensis, V. obtusaeformis, Oxychilus sp.) are overlain by clay and silt with Congeria czjzeki, Lymnocardium majeri, and other brackish species. This superposition indicates flooding of paludal areas, deepening, and development of intense connection with the sublittoral offshore environment of Lake Pannon.
A third – and highly atypical – type of lower contact of Pannonian sediments was discovered in one of the northern valleys of the Gerecse Hills (Iván-halála Valley, Dunaszentmiklós). A poorly-sorted conglomerate consisting of cobble- and boulder-sized clasts with sandy-clayey matrix overlies directly a Cretaceous sandstone. Imbrication of the clasts indicates N to S transport direction i.e. from the open lake towards the dry land. The matrix contains abundant mollusc fauna, including articulated valves of Congeria aff. simulans turgida, Dreissenomya (Sinucongeria) arcuata, Paradacna sp. and other species. This sediment package is suspected to have been deposited by a tsunami along the rocky coast of Lake Pannon.
The regressive limb of the cycle is represented by sediments of the Újfalu Formation, transported to the area from the uplifted Alps and Western Carpathians probably by the “paleo-Danube” sedimentary system. The Újfalu Formation either overlies the Szák Formation (further to the west and to the north, in boreholes), or directly overlies the Mesozoic-Paleogene basement along the Danube and in the northern valleys of the Gerecse Hills. This formation consists of few meter thick, shallowing up sedimentary cycles, starting with sublittoral clays (formed below wave base on the prodelta) and ending with littoral sands (deposited on lower shoreface, deltafront or delta plain channels) or even paludal huminitic clays (delta plain marshes or abandoned channel fills). Molluscs reflect this cyclicity; the deepest (shallow sublittoral) fauna is dominated by bivalves, such as Congeria ungulacaprae, Caladacna steindachneri, Paradacna sp., etc. (in the Neszmély brickyard outcrop or in the upper part of Neszmély sand pit). Sublittoral clays may also contain Lymnocardium penslii, Dreissena auricularis, Unio mihanovici and other bivalves, often in reworked position (e.g. Disznós-kút Valley). The littoral sediments are characterized by diverse gastropod fauna (Theodoxus intracarpathicus, Melanopsis caryota, M. pygmaea, M. decollata, M. sturi, M. kupensis, Viviparus sadleri, Valvata sp. and Gyraulus sp.) living in the zone of rooted vegetation. Bivalves also show enhanced diversity in the littoral zone: C. balatonica, C. aff. simulans turgida, Dreissena auricularis, Dreissena sp., Dreissenomya arcuata, Dreissenomya sp., Lymnocardium penslii, L. ponticum, L. vicinum, Euxinicardium schreteri, Paradacna wurmbi and Unio mihanovici are all abundant (e.g. Csekend Valley, Disznós-kút Valley). Huminitic clay layers in the top of the parasequences contain paludal and terrestrial snails (Disznós-kút Valley).
The Pannonian sediments and their fossil molluscs in the Gerecse Hills thus reflect gradual flooding of the moderate-relief Mesozoic-Paleogene block of the time, locally either producing a transgressive lag (Tata) or a paludal-lacustrine transitional sequence (Vályus-kút) before the sublittoral clay with Congeria czjzeki (Szák Fm) draped probably much of the recent hills. Sedimentary infilling up to lake level took place in several cycles represented by deltaic parasequences (Újfalu Fm), each displaying faunal changes from open lacustrine bivalve-dominated to littoral or even paludal snail-dominated assemblages. Sedimentary features indicate syn-sedimentary deformation, which continued subsequently and resulted in significant elevation difference between the transgressive layers in Tata and those in Vályus-kút.
Biochronostratigraphic correlations suggest that the age of the entire Pannonian sequence in the Gerecse Hills is between 9.7 and 8.7 Ma (duration of the Lymnocardium ponticum chron). Accordingly, reverse magnetic polarity measured in the lower part of the Tata outcrop, representing the upper part of the Congeria czjzeki zone, suggests correlation with C4Ar, restricting the age of the flooding of the Gerecse hills to the 9.4-9.1 Ma interval. Thus, the age of the entire transgressive-regressive cycle is estimated to have been 9.4-8.7 Ma.


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