New decapods from the Miocene of Hungary — with remarks about their environment

  • Pál Mihály Müller


The Middle Miocene upper Badenian yielded a rich decapod fauna from Hungary, near to Budapest,
from Austria and Poland.
In this fauna shallow water forms dominate, many of which lived on mobile substrates. Due to the
fragility of most decapod shells their fossilisation was only possible in low energy environments.
This suggests that the Iate Badenian sea, although it had an almost oceanic salinity, consisted of quite
narrow channel-like water bodies where the effects of tidal movements and wave action could be very low.
This publication includes the description of nine new decapods, of which six could be determined to
species levél.

How to Cite
MüllerP. M. (2020). New decapods from the Miocene of Hungary — with remarks about their environment . Földtani Közlöny, 136(1), 37-50. Retrieved from