The phreatomagmatic pyroclastic-sequence of Badacsony Hill: implications on the processes and landforms of monogenetic basaltic volcanism

  • Mátyás Hencz ELTE-TTK, Department of Physical Geography, e-mail:
  • Dávid Karátson ELTE-TTK, Department of Physical Geography
  • Károly Németh Massey University, Volcanic Risk Solutions CS-INR
  • Tamás Biró ELTE-TTK, Department of Physical Geography
Keywords: Badacsony, Bakony-Balaton Highland Volcanic Field, image analysis, maar, monogenetic, phreatomagmatic eruption, tuff ring


In this paper we give the first quantitative description and volcanological interpretation of the Badacsony Hill, the most known butte of the Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF). Pyroclast / lithics ratio of the pyroclastics were investigated by using point counting image analysis methodology on cutted surfaces of hand specimens. The isometrical shape of different grains allowed to convert the obtained 2D data to 3D volume data. By using this methodology, it was possible to infer to the relative depth of explosions with respect to the synvolcanic surface and to the syneruptive morphology and to identify the effusive and explosive phases of the volcanism.

The results of point counting image analysis and the position and extent of the pyroclastic sequence on the Badacsony Hill imply, that the Badacsony was a monogenetic (probably polycyclic) tuff ring or shallow maar volcano. Such volcanism is associated with interaction of hot melt with groundwater, which trigger shallow explosions. The low amount of accidental lithics within the deposits confirm the tuff ring scenario. Although, such low amount of accidental lithics could be observed within deposits from shallow maars were formed on soft, unconsolidated basement. This model can be possible for Badacsony.

The course of the volcanism can be divided into explosive and effusive phases based on the different composition and on the relative stratigraphic position of the pyroclastic sequences. Based on these results we proposed a volcanic evolution model. Regarding the scarcity of volcanological data on the Badacsony Hill, present results could give a basis for further regional volcanological investigations.


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