Comprehensive interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies in Carpathian–Pannonian Region
Geophysical anomaly can only be found where there is some-kind of change. Such change may be the variation of the physical parameter, the depth, or the spatial distribution. If there is no change, the field strength is also unchanged; it is a constant value without any anomalies. The Bouguer anomaly map shows the gravity effect of the changing rock density in a vertical extent of several tens of kilometres, because gravity is a long distance and always attractive force. So the Bouguer anomaly of a small exploration area will have some gravity effect of the deep crust too, even if we do not take it into account.
Magnetic anomalies are caused by mafic geological formations. These are the mafic magmatic rocks and their trans - formed metamorphic variants. The magnetic force may have both attractive and repulsive character (generally it is a dipole field), so the result of these strengths yields a much more complicated anomaly field. The penetration in this case is a few tens of kilometres, right down until the depth of the Curie-temperature. Geophysical interpretations are generally done in the range of the borehole’s penetration, although, some effects have obviously deeper origin. So the examination of bigger depth and elimination of deep effects are essential to have more accurate local interpretation of the geophysical measurements. Studying the area of Hungary requires knowledge about such deep effects in the entire Carpathian– Pannonian Region.
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