Middle Miocene Rissooidea (Caenogastropoda) of Letkés (Hungary)

  • Zoltán Kovács Department of Paleontology, Eötvös Loránd University; Hungarian Natural History Museum
  • Gerhard Stein Lüneburg, Georg-Böhm-Straße 15, D-21337, Germany
Keywords: Middle Miocene, Badenian, Pannonian Basin, Letkés, Littorinimorpha, Rissooidea


A Middle Miocene (Early Badenian) Rissooidea assemblage with 19 species of ten genera is described and illustrated from the fossiliferous locality at Letkés (Börzsöny Mts, Hungary). The material represents the most highly diverse occurrence of the superfamily in the Pannonian Basin System. Nine species are recorded for the first time in this region. Rissoa federicoi nom. nov. is proposed as new name for the junior homonym Rissoia (Turboella) acuticosta Sacco, 1895.

Author Biography

Zoltán Kovács, Department of Paleontology, Eötvös Loránd University; Hungarian Natural History Museum
kzkovacszoltan@gmail.com | https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7276-7321
How to Cite
KovácsZ., & SteinG. (2023). Middle Miocene Rissooidea (Caenogastropoda) of Letkés (Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 153(1), 19. https://doi.org/10.23928/foldt.kozl.2023.153.1.19