A kövületektől a térképekig

A költészet kognitív szemléletű megközelítési lehetőségeiről

  • Simon Gábor ELTE BTK Magyar Nyelvtudományi és Finnugor Intézet Mai Magyar Nyelvi Tanszék


From fossils to maps: on cognitive approaches to poetry

The paper offers a brief outline of the application of the results of cognitive sciences to the analysis of lyrical poetry. The main questions of the study are the following:
what is the relationship between cognition and poeticity, and how do cognitive poetics model and analyze poetry as social cognitive practice, or as the experience
of the reader. The summary of the main theses of cognitive poetics and cognitive literary studies relies on the works of Reuven Tsur, Peter Stockwell and Ellen Spolsky.
Moreover, the paper makes an attempt to shed new light on the concept of elegy through analyzing a poem by János Arany with the tools of cognitive poetics.
