A Study of Modern Tourism, How Social Media Influences Our Travels
Modern technologies started out in manufacturing but have now become a driving force in many sectors, including tourism. The question of how modern-day tourism has changed in the wake of the pandemic, in the context of digitalisation, was thus raised as a research question. The general objective was to investigate the impact of the content seen on social media on the choice of travel destinations. As a specific objective, the most commonly used digital tourism applications are also presented. The survey was conducted through an online questionnaire, following the CAWI approach. The data received (N=180) were analysed using widely used tests (Khi2 and Kruskal-Wallis) and cross-tabulation. In terms of results, it can be said that nowadays, anyone who is present on various social networking sites can be subconsciously inspired through the many images and messages posted there. It is an interesting fact that more influential are the influencers on social media whose opinion matter to people. From a tourism marketing point of view, the various social networking sites and the opinion leaders or influencers have become important profiles. The results show that people who are present on social media are likely to be influenced in their tourism decisions by the content and impulses they see there. Overall, therefore, a collaboration with an influencer or the so-called "Instagram-compatible" layout and serving can provide newer and newer opportunities for a restaurant or tourist destination.
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