Measurement of employee satisfaction in open office environment at NCH

  • Mária Roberta Nagy NARAMIN Ltd.
Keywords: Personnal Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resources, Open Office


The use of human resource is essential in achieving goals set by the company. Research made on measurement of employee satisfaction in new open office environment at NCH company, because based on management decision the European offices are going to be refurbished. Thus, the Hungarian office must also be transformed into an open office area. The goal of my research is to measure employee satisfaction and make a proposal for management team for further office investments. The topic is relevant, because the Hungarian managing director has shared the experience and evaluation related to office refurbishment project.

First, the office investment will be presented which will be followed by secondary research made on open office literature. Finally, the findings of the in-depth interviews carried out with Hungarian and Czech employees regarding their satisfaction will be introduced.

Results show that Hungarian and Czech employees are satisfied with their working environment in general. Despite an overall satisfaction, employees shared their need for wider space and extended personal workspace, also they complained about excessive noise and their wish for more meeting rooms and rest zones. In their evaluation modern and lockable furniture is thought to be a great advantage. In addition, they noticed a more direct and quick communication between each other in their operation.

 Based on the study conducted in both organizations I propose the setting up of project team, then to construct additional open offices in future European office developments. It is important to build locker space for functional leaders. Rest zones also have a key role. Emphasis should be on comfortable furniture, which can be used variedly in case of office rearrangements. In order to reduce noise, it is necessary to find local solutions according to local conditions.

Author Biography

Mária Roberta Nagy, NARAMIN Ltd.

Managing director


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How to Cite
NagyM. R. (2023). Measurement of employee satisfaction in open office environment at NCH. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, 28-53.