Place Marketing and Its Effects as a Research Topic – Systematic Literature Review
The economic changes of recent years and the pandemic have caused severe difficulties for all municipalities, regardless of their size. However, small towns and villages whose primary source of income is tourism are facing even more severe problems. All local authorities have rethought their marketing strategies in response to the new challenges. Marketing strategies often encourage over-consumption so an ill-conceived marketing campaign can be fatal for a municipality. Our study aims to present our research team's initial research and our work's first results. Through a systematic literature review and big data analysis, we aimed to identify the literature on marketing, including municipal marketing, and to develop possible clusters. In our article, we present a systematic review of the literature analysing the place, role and results of studies on marketing, including the field and position of municipalities and place marketing, among three well-known publication databases, Clarivate Web of Science, Elsevier Scopus and journals published in the care of SAGE as primary sources. To this end, a systematic database analysis was conducted between 2000 and 2022, resulting in a keyword-based classification of published research, topics and methods. With this research, our main objective was to produce a concept map that helped to collect and network the concepts that make up the field of place marketing. It also clarified the sectors of place marketing and the possibilities for studying these areas. Our results show that trends in place marketing related to economic and social sustainability are also becoming increasingly prominent. There was a clear identification of a body of literature dealing with the environment, environmental awareness and the impact of tourism. Our research will continue with a content analysis of this literature, which will help us to formulate practical recommendations for the development of marketing strategies for localities.
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